Thursday, September 16, 2010

Our Second School Function

It occurred to me recently that the people I've met might not want to be included in the blog, or have their names mentioned, so I'm just going to go ahead and change your identities until I ask you. Aaron and I were invited on Sunday to have lunch with a girl who name is (not) Charlotte. Lunch (and our wanderings and visitings afterward) ended up lasting about five hours before we knew it and we all had a great time. We were looking for a pub to sit down in and just happened to wander into the exact same one I went to when I was here two years ago--O'Neill's! It has a really nice atmosphere and there's live music there sometimes, so I'm sure we'll be going back now that we know where it is.

Charlotte reminded us that registration began on Tuesday, not Monday like we thought. With that in mind, we made plans for Tuesday to be an extremely busy day of us finally getting settled in some big ways. I was finally going to be an official student and we were finally going to have internet in our apartment.

Tuesday we left the apartment at 7:20, looking to be in front of the registration location (a very large and beautiful theater right in the front square of campus) at around 8. Registration itself didn't start until 9:15. We were the first ones there, and the only ones there for quite some time. I started feeling pretty silly when a lady walked into the building and just sort of looked at us, asking if we were here to "reg." I said yes, and that I'd heard there were usually long lines so we wanted to get a head start. She laughed and said there were never long lines for post grads and they had dedicated four whole days to us. It's just the "freshers" that have long lines. Awesome. Good thing some other Americans (the same ones we met at our reception) had the same idea and also arrived about an hour ahead of schedule. It was nice to sit around and talk, but we were all pretty tired. By the time we finally were able to go in, I felt vindicated because around the building there *was* a long line, and in our earliness, I ended up being the very first post graduate to register for classes of the 2010-11 school year. Quite an achievement, I know. :)

Registration was a breeze. They checked my information, asked if I wanted to change anything, asked me to write down my religion for the Chaplain (but insisted I didn't *have* to do it if I didn't want to), and asked me to sign a piece of paper before sitting me down and taking my picture. They didn't even tell me when to smile so I just sat there smiling for 5 minutes. I got my student id card and they sent me on my way!

I will now have this student i.d. card with me ALL the time because it will get me significant discounts everywhere (including one sandwich shop called O'Briens where I get 25% off!)

Internet turned out to be a longer process than we thought. We actually had to take my laptop down to I.S. Services yesterday and have them figure the whole thing out, which they did. So I am now typing this blog post in the comfort of our bedroom, which is where our internet port is. It's a long story, but basically Aaron is selling his Xbox at the moment, and once we have the money from that sale, we'll purchase a webcam to skype with people face to face. We could do the chat thing now, very easily though! Our name is thetravelingkopfs, so add us and check periodically in the afternoon to see if we're on. The afternoon for America is our evening, when we'd normally be on the computer.

The camera battery is dead, and once it's charged, photos will go up on facebook! Hooray!

Aaron and I did some more resume-handing-out/job-searching yesterday. We went to all the remaining game stops in the city and he's also applied to a lot of these places online. Keep the job search in your prayers. We are trusting that God's got something for us out there where Aaron can meet people and make us some money :)

1 comment:

  1. BACON!

    Ya, that is how UAMS's internet is as well. They have certain ports on strict watch, most of our computers can't access anything but google, uams, and ualr. Anyways, glad orientation isn't stressful; first impressions are impossible to reforge, and so far it seems pretty relaxed.

    Look forward to skype, I sent a friend request :)
