Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Hunt Begins

Aaron here.

(Lauren's commentary in red bold)

Lauren and I spent the day looking for a job! I got all dressed up and carried my little folder containing curriculum vitae and my visa information to different stores and shops near our apartment while Lauren waited outside to offer moral support once I exited. I asked her to do that for me, and I think everyone should definitely have their favorite person waiting outside when they apply for jobs because it makes a HUGE difference. My morale stayed high all day and I ended up applying to at least ten different places, all of which look fun to work at. It was a lot of fun, getting to spend the day just walking around without any agenda but to stand outside of doors every once in a while. We also found several new stores and some cheap places to eat. We've been walking up and down Rathmines, but ventured out onto Rathgar St. which comes off of it, and it's a really nice part of town with a beautiful cathedral church right in the middle. I've been happy to see the fall colors over here... I was worried I was going to miss fall!!

It was sunny and breezy today, which more than made up for the wet weather yesterday. The perfect weather for walking around in dress shoes.

Lauren and I also bought some much-needed things, such as plates, bowls, a cutlery set and some sturdy umbrellas. Lauren is going to make some stir fry tonight for dinner, and I'm already excited about how it will taste. So far, everything tastes very fresh and tasty here, contrary to the rumors we've heard about the United Kingdom's bland food. Produce is pretty cheap too. We're learning how to save money in the grocery store on a daily basis.

On another note, Lauren and I just found out that we'll get to move into our new apartment tomorrow night! It turns out Anne Marie worked her magic once again and managed to bump up our apartment on the list of those needing cleaning. She's been absolutely incredible and we're lucky to have her around. I'll keep you all updated on the job front, and I would truly appreciate your prayers on the matter. I'm getting antsy and I'm ready to work! I'm so excited to unpack! And once we unpack... we'll take pictures!!


  1. Sounds like everything is falling into place. I'll be praying about the job situation. I'm excited to see what God has waiting for you. Looking forward to seeing the pictures. Bet the stir fry was yummy!


    Eyes are a lil damp laughing with you guys' blog posts (just caught up on them). I'm so very glad God not only had a great plan for you, bit that he also put the plan into motion so quickly for you. Reading a book that echos many of the great things you're learning. I still miss you and look forward to hearing your voice (both of you, but Aaron more, sry Lauren). ;)

    So you guys did all if that....let's see, today I slept, came to work, then cut my tongue on a sunflower seed >.<. Maybe it would have been safer in Ireland :>

    Miss you both a lot, still haven't found my "routine" with part of it abroad :P. See you soon. thoughts are with you both.
